Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Marriage taboo

The couples should not take off your shoes before their chinese wedding ceremony is over because taking off their shoes are like they have broken their promises – I need to wear my shoes in the house as well? How if my legs hurt due to new pair of shoes? I think it’s also not a good practice in Malaysia (all Malaysian take off their shoes before entering the house) Who is going to sweep the floor then?

The couple will first enter the groom's family home under the pants of the groom's unmarried elder brother(s) as a show of respect and so that the bride and groom will not spite the unmarried status of the elder brother(s) – Eeeww.. Serious? Any other alternative ways in showing respect?

The groom will give the bride's family at the bride's home visit a whole roast pig with ears and tail, if the groom was satisfied that his wife was married as virgin or an imperfect roast pig (ears or tail broken), if the bride is not a virgin. - Serious? How to carry a roast pig to bride's family in our little car and ensure is unbroken?

To avoid clashing of luck, the couple should not attend a funeral; attend a wedding; visit a lady who is in confinement (i.e. within one month of giving birth) on the same month of the couple's wedding or for one / three month months (depending) before and after the couple's wedding - Most of my friends are getting married this year and their wedding are about the same time as mine. I can’t attend their wedding. sob~ sob~ Sad that I can't attend their wedding and they can't attend mine too but i'm still happy for them. I would like to take this opportunity to wish them Happy Wedding!

Not everyone can attend or participate in the wedding ceremony (e.g. to be the bridesmaids and bestmen, to be the photographer, driver, etc), or touch the newly wedding’s clothing or anything in the new home. Persons born under horoscopes that clash on the wedding day are not invited as bridesmaids and bestmen, or invited to the wedding day activities. However, they can attend the wedding banquet. Persons whose family member just passed/persons in mourning and pregnant woman should not to attend wedding ceremony - Those who that born in the year of Rabbit can't be our bridesmaids, bestmen or even driver. Sorry! Loh Tat Pit said you are VIP, should just sit and relax.. lolz

The bride and groom should not be meeting each other on the day before the wedding Can it be possible? My bf will need to go to the bridal shop for car decoration on his own? Pity him! I read some modified version of this taboo, the bride and groom should not sleep under the same roof the night before the wedding. This sounds more reasonable.

No one should be sleeping or sitting on the bridal bed after its installation and blessing for fertility. If however, the groom needs to sleep on it before the wedding he should be accompanied by a young boy and preferably born in the year of the dragon because leaving one side of the bridal bed empty is considered a curse on the health of the couple – My bf’s brother is so lucky. He can sleep on or sit on the new bed before me. But do my bf need to sleep in the new bad?

If one of the parents passes away, the bride or groom has to be in mourning, the wedding will either be conducted within 100 days of the death, or postponed till 3 years (1000 days) after the death – 1000 days? Choi! Choi! Choi!

Everything should be in even numbers so all red packets should contain even numbered amounts too – So “angpao” that I'm going to receive is going to be RM200 and not RM100? Just kidding

Do not use yellow or white chrysanthemums as these flowers are normally use at the funerals or at visits to graves - Luckily I don't like chrysanthemums

White and black are mourning colours and should not be used for wedding decorations - But my mom said if white or/and black with mixture of red is fine

To avoid clashing with the bride’s luck, everyone in the groom’s home will hide to avoid the bride when the couple enters the groom’s home for the first time and back to the living room when the couple has entered the bridal room - almost impossible in this era

When the bride enters the groom's home, the mother-in-law and sister-in-law should not face the door, watching the bride walk in to avoid misunderstanding or unhappiness in the future - Oh no, as I said, almost impossible

When the bride walks out of her home, she should change her another pair of formal shoes indicating that she did not take away the good luck from her parents - Now, I need to pairs of wedding shoes.


  1. I am Dr. Sang K. Kim, an English teacher, educator, and textbook writer, in Korea.
    I would like get your permission to quote one or two paragraphs [at maximum length] in your writing. I read your blog, titled, Marriage taboo. Of course, I will credit your originality and open the ulrs and your name.. Could you allow me to use one or two paragraphs in your essay?
    Looking forward to having your reply.

  2. hie, thanks for visiting.

    Would be much appreciated if you could let me know which of my writing that you are interested before quoting.

  3. Thanks.
    I would like to quote the following parts. Please let me know your full names so I can credit you with your original texts.

    The bride and groom should not take off your shoes before their Chinese wedding ceremony is over because taking off their shoes is like they have broken their promises. The bride and groom should not meet each other on the day before the wedding. Even numbers are used for joyous events. All red packets should contain even numbered amounts. Chinese do not use pale yellow or white chrysanthemums floral arrangements as these flowers are used at funerals or at visits to ancestral graves."

  4. Hello -
    I'm a professor in America, working on a paper, and would also be interesting in quoting (and citing) part of your blog -- specifically, the part about pregnant women not attending the wedding ceremony. Did you find this list of taboos in a book? Is this a list of taboos that you picked up on yourself, and wrote out for the purposes of your blog?

    Many thanks.

  5. hi, if grandparent (not parent) pass away b4 wedding, the bride or groom also need to be in mourning, the wedding will either be conducted within 100 days of the death, or postponed till 3 years (1000 days) after the death?

  6. i heard about it.. remember my cousin also held the wedding ceremony very soon after my grandparent passed away..
